Hry v žánru: Logická
- Almightree: The Last Dreamer
- Storm
- Micron
- Evo Explores
- God of Thunder
- Doodle God: 8-bit Mania
- Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom
- Puzzle Chronicles
- Mahjong World Contest
- Chocolate makes you happy 4
- The Office Quest
- D/Generation HD
- I Expect You To Die 2: The Spy and the Liar
- Demon Hunter 3: Revelation
- The Crow's Eye
- Circa Infinity
- realMyst
- Sparkle Unleashed
- The House of Da Vinci 2
- Woodways
- Mahjong Magic Islands
- Collider
- Queen's Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past
- UnSummoning: the Spectral Horde
- Orbit HD
- Her Majesty's SPIFFING
- Queen's Quest 4: Sacred Truce
- Noctropolis
- World Keepers: Last Resort
- htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary
- Milkmaid of the Milky Way
- Cyber Manhunt
- Phoenotopia: Awakening
- Cognizer
- Chocolate makes you happy 3
- Tiny Room Stories: Town Mystery
- TrackMania United
- Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock
- Братья Пилоты: По следам полосатого слона
- Quadle
- Tiny Lands
- Drop
- Escape Room
- Umihara Kawase
- WarioWare: Get It Together!
- Grindstone
- Mainlining Demo
- Blackbox
- Spiral Splatter
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